Specialties | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
TTUHSC students walking through Lubbock campus courtyard.
desk with magazine and laptop


Dive deeper into the world of university communications! This section explores the various channels used to share inspiring stories, important news, and upcoming events, fostering a connected university community.

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a print of the TTUHSC logo on black paper

Design Services

Need impactful visuals to represent your department or program? TTUHSC Design Services offers a range of creative solutions. Our team brings your story to life through brand-aligned design and media.

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a laptop with analytic tools

Digital Strategy

Confused about your digital presence? Digital Strategy manages online presence for consistent brand & student/patient engagement. We create, manage & optimize websites, content & digital properties for findability & results.

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a pen ponting to a sheet of paper with graphs


Our Marketing team develops strategic campaigns that connect you with the programs and services you need. We work across all channels, from digital marketing to traditional advertising, to raise awareness and generate leads.

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President Lori Rice-Spearman, Ph.D. at a news conference

Media Relations

From groundbreaking research to dedicated healthcare providers, TTUHSC is a hub of innovation and excellence in health. Our Media Relations team acts as a bridge, connecting these stories with the world. We work hand-in-hand with journalists to showcase the university's achievements and the expertise of our faculty, staff, and students.

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the back of a camera

Photography & Video

Our team of skilled photographers and videographers create compelling visuals that showcase the university's vibrant community and groundbreaking work. From faculty research to student achievements, we capture authentic stories that resonate with audiences and elevate the TTUHSC brand.

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a phone being held showing the TTUHSC account on the Instagram app

Social Media

Engage, inspire, and connect with students, faculty, staff, and the wider community through TTUHSC social media. Our team crafts compelling content that showcases the university's achievements, celebrates its spirit, and shares inspiring stories of our people.

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