Funding for International Programs for Students | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
TTUHSC students walking through Lubbock campus courtyard.

The Office of Global Health (OGH) offers two different funding sources to help supplement the cost of TTUHSC sponsored international programs as defined by OP 10.29. To qualify for funding, students must receive academic credit or academic recognition for the international program, and the international program must be approved by the student’s school and the Office of Global Health.

General Information About Funding

Application Due Dates, Disbursement Dates, & Travel Dates: When possible, the Office of Global Health makes every effort to disburse awards prior to departure on an international program. However, we cannot guarantee that awards are received prior to departure. There are occasions when funds are delayed or application due dates fall during travel dates or too close to travel dates to allow for disbursement prior to travel abroad. In those instances, students are welcome to apply for funding and awards will be disbursed as soon as possible.

Disbursement Dates & Payment Due Dates: Applicants must meet all payment due dates and deadlines regardless of date of disbursement of funds. 

Approximate Award Amounts: The Office of Global Health is unable to determine approximate award amounts as the amount awarded to applicants depends on a number of factors including number of applications received each funding cycle, length of program abroad, and location of program abroad.  

International Education Fee Award (IEFA)