Vet-to-Vet Mentorship | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
TTUHSC students walking through Lubbock campus courtyard.

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Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center's (TTUHSC) Vet-to-Vet Mentorship Program connects student veterans with TTUHSC veteran faculty, staff, students, and alumni. Student veterans and mentors define the goals of their mentorship together. The program is focused on supporting student veterans in their transition into higher education, in their academic success, and future civilian careers.

All student veterans who are enrolled at TTUHSC are encouraged to participate in this program. They come from diverse military backgrounds and represent various ages, education levels, ranks, and branches of the military. Some may still be serving on active duty and planning for an upcoming transition or military retirement. Some may have recently separated from the military and others may have separated several years ago and have decided to return to school to pursue their education.

Program Commitments

Over the course of the mentorship, participants are encouraged to connect at the beginning and end of each term and a minimum of once per month. Pairs may choose to interact more frequently if they so choose.

Meet Our Mentors

Our mentors are faculty, staff, students, and alumni who are veterans and also come from diverse military backgrounds. In order that they bring best practices to the program, each mentor will complete Green Zone Training (GZT).

Ready to Select a Mentor?

Establish contact with a mentor and complete the HSC Vet-to-Vet Mentor/Protégé Agreement.
Each party will retain a copy, with a third copy emailed to

Still Have Questions?

We're here to help. Contact us if you have questions.

External mentorship programs include: Veterati, American Corporate Partners.

Veterans Resource Center (VRC)
(806) 743-7549