Feet First: Prioritizing Foot Health in Summer Footwear Choices
Texas Tech Physicians Foot and Ankle Surgeon Says Avoid Pain and Injuries

As the summer sun beckons people toward more outdoor activities, it’s crucial to remember that a person’s choice of seasonal footwear can significantly impact their foot health. Jerry Grimes, M.D., a foot and ankle surgeon at Texas Tech Physicians, shared insights on selecting summer footwear to avoid pain and injury.
“The allure of flip-flops lies in their casual comfort and breathability. Walking in them exercises muscles in the feet, ankles and lower legs, which are used to being supported and cushioned with structured shoes,” Grimes said. “The human being was designed to walk barefoot. That naturally stretches us out.”
While flip-flops protect a person from barefoot hazards like hot surfaces and bacteria, Grimes advised that flip-flops are best worn for short durations because they can lead to cramps and discomfort, especially if the Achilles tendon is tight. He said transitioning from supportive footwear to flat, unstructured options like flip-flops requires caution to prevent stress fractures and muscle strain.
Jerry Grimes, M.D.
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