Pfizer | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Pfizer Logo


Pfizer Oncology

Our decades-long heritage in research and development, paired with an innovative use of technology and real-world evidence have accelerated our ability to deliver breakthrough therapies to people living with breast cancer worldwide. We believe our portfolio of approved and investigational medicines provide Pfizer with the unique potential to treat patients with breast cancer across stages and the three main subtypes of the disease, including populations where innovation has been lagging. Together, we are continuously striving to develop breakthroughs that change patients’ lives.


Please visit our website: 

Virtual Exhibit Hall

This is an interactive exhibit hall.  Clink on the image below to acces the information available from Pfizer.

Pfizer Interactive Exhibit Booth


Please note the ability to speak to a live representative is limited to the day of the conference, Saturday, April 24, 2021.

Representative Contact Information

Gilbert Sariles

Gilbert Sariles


Phone:  1-214-557-4789

Visit with Gilbert on the day of the conference, April 24, 2021 at this ZOOM link -