General Surgery

Regional Chairman's Welcome
The goals of the Texas Tech University Health Science Center-Permian Basin Department of Surgery are to promote excellence in clinical service, education, research and community service to meet the needs of the west Texas community. The Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center-Permian Basin Department of Surgery, with our community partners, provides a wide variety of clinical services in a number of different settings. Our core academic program is located at Medical Center Hospital, in Odessa, Texas and at Midland Memorial Hospital, both of which provide very diverse and high volume of surgical services.
Our faculty includes the core academic faculty complemented by a large and diverse adjunct clinical faculty. The faculty includes practitioners in all aspects of surgery including Cardio-thoracic surgery, Colon and Rectal surgery, General surgery, Minimally Invasive and Robotic surgery, Neurosurgery, Orthopedic surgery, Plastic surgery, Surgical Critical Care, Surgical Oncology, Urology and Vascular surgery practicing in tertiary referral centers and community hospitals.
The Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center-Permian Basin Department of Surgery has educational programs for third and fourth year medical students. Our program offers a variety of sub-specialties to third year students and also fourth year selectives and electives. Our well-balanced, comprehensive, evidence based educational program includes didactic and self-directed learning activities. The state-of-the-art fully functioning Louise and Clay Wood Simulation Center located at Medical Center Hospital, allows students to prepare for the challenging world of surgery in a consequence-free environment. Medical Students develop skills from basic suturing and knot tying to flexible endoscopy, advanced laparoscopic techniques and other required competencies.
We look forward to making your experience with us fulfilling.
Shelton Viney, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Professor and Regional Chairman
Department of Surgery
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Permian Basin

Yi Zarn Wang, MD
Associate Professor and Residency Program Director
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Permian Basin

Jacey Long
Residency Program Coordinator