SECC Frequently Asked Questions
If an employee is going to contribute by payroll deduction and the employee gets paid semi-monthly, from which paycheck will the contribution be deducted?
Employees who are paid semi-monthly will have 1/2 of their designated monthly pledge to SECC deducted from each paycheck. The pledge year starts on December 1st, so the first deduction for employees paid semi-monthly will be their paycheck for the pay period ending December 15th. Employee who are paid monthly will see their deduction on the January 1st paycheck.
When I choose to contribute as a payroll deduction, can I designate any agency?
Yes. You may select up to nine (9) agencies to contribute to.
What is the smallest amount someone can donate on a payroll deduction transaction?
$2 per month per agency code.
How are the funds distributed to the charities?
Contributions made by state agency employees are distributed by the State Comptroller to participating federations, who then send the funds along to their members. Each university distributes funds to federations through its own payroll system. At the local level, the Local Campaign Manager distributes the funds the same way. However, because it is almost impossible to account for donations lost through such things as an employee leaving or transferring, a percentage method is used to distribute funds. At the end of each year's campaign, the percent of funds pledged to each charity is calculated. Each charity then received that percentage of what is eventually collected. Undesignated one-time gift pledges are shared with all participating charities using the same percentage. Each charity also pays is share of the cost of running the campaign (printed materials, etc.) based upon the same percentage.