Giving to the SECC
How much to give is totally up to you; your personal generosity is no one’s business but your own and remains confidential. Still, many of us like to have some idea of what is appropriate to consider as a gift.
FIRST … Consider giving the average amount of $219 a year, which is $18.25 per month.
SECOND … Consider one of the standards used in campaigns like this throughout the nation — giving one hour’s pay per month.
THIRD … Consider participating as a leadership giver — one of the many people who like to do a little more by donating at the leadership giving levels described later.
- provides a child with complete, basic childhood immunization against six diseases, supporting a healthy start
- provides vital cancer survivorship information and support to 80 cancer survivors
- provides seeds for one community or school garden, allowing families to grow nutritious, affordable food for themselves
- provides prescription glasses for five people in a Third World country
- covers the cost of planting 100 tree saplings
- provides meals for a homebound senior citizen for two weeks
- sponsors eyes exams for two children in need
- provides 12 students with an interactive CD on college-age depression and suicide
- covers the registration fee for one patient or family member to attend the National Organization for Rare Disorders Patient/Family Conference
- underwrites equipment and supplies for five people to spend a morning cleaning a beach or river bank
- underwrites free museum admission for 30 students
- pays for a veteran’s occupational certification to find employment
- will help a family in crisis with their monthly utility or grocery bills
- provides lifesaving medicines to 7,200+ children and families around the world
- sponsors two local health advocates to attend a National Pesticide Forum and learn the skills needed to make positive changes in the community
- screens one uninsured woman for breast cancer
- provides a full year of groceries for a homebound AIDS patient
- provides food for one guide dog in advanced training
- buys six cases of non-latex gloves to keep volunteers safe during beach cleanups
- supports training in an environmental career for a person with a disability
- provides scholarship assistance for inner-city children to attend a nature camp
- installs a water distribution system to provide a reliable communal tap, delivering safe, clean water to communities in need
- offers transitional housing to a homeless veteran. • provides a $500 matching scholarship award for college tuition
- ensures safety from cholera for 50 people
- provides two high schools with science curriculum materials about the proper handling of chemicals found in the home
- furnishes a back brace to prevent further spine curvature to a patient with scoliosis