Recruitment and Retention | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
TTUHSC students walking through Lubbock campus courtyard.
Recruitment and Retention Values Integration Team

LEGACY PAGE  ⚑  Please note that this page is no longer actively managed. The content has been preserved as historical archive of the individual efforts and collective accomplishments that have guided our Values journey.

December 2020 Update:

Greetings from the Recruitment and Retention Values Integration Team (VIT). Our VIT is currently hard at work on 2 projects.

  1. The first project is the Values Interview Builder (VIB) that launched officially in September 2020. Our goal is to have as many Team Members utilize this new tool as possible. We decided to take an innovative approach by asking HSC Team Members to watch short “Training Videos” on the VIB. Our hope is that by allowing HSC Team Members to manage their own training and development schedule instead of being confined to class times, more people will take the opportunity to learn how to use the VIB.  We have received tons of good feedback over the last 3 and a half months and our team is currently deciding on which new features to add to the VIB 2.0 – which we hope to launch in early 2021. We are also actively working any website issues users may experience. We ask that users report immediate issues on the feedback link that is located at the bottom of the VIB.
  2. The R&R team is also working on a recruitment tool called the Pay and Benefits Calculator. This is a tool that calculates the actual value of benefits that would be provided to candidates if they should to choose to work at TTUHSC – even the hidden values! This product is in the development stage and being tested by R&R team members and the One Team Fellows cohort. We hope to launch the Pay and Benefits Calculator the first week in February 2021.

Our team has become more unified by using the Zoom platform for meetings during the pandemic because now we can see each other. Before COVID, our team used conference calls. Members are excited about rolling out the two projects we have been working on this year. We feel sure they will be very beneficial to existing and prospective team members.

September 2020 Update:

My name is Tim Fox and I am the Executive Sponsor for the Recruitment and Retention Values Integration Team and am excited to tell you about a special project the team has been working on for the last 2 years.  I’m so proud of our team and their hard work and input!

Please take 15-30 minutes of your time and follow the link below. You will need your eRaider to login.

The link takes you to our new Values-Based Interview Question Builder! This is a new tool for our hiring managers/supervisors to use when interviewing new team members. It helps you integrate TTUHSC Values-Based questions into your interviews. It also allows you to still ask your favorite interview questions as well. You will notice that it looks very similar to the Development Action Plan tool. We did this on purpose. Also, the tool is integrated with Brass Ring to upload interview questions into that web application.

On the link, there are 3 2-minute videos explaining how to use the tool. Then, there is a really, really great interview with our Chief People Officer Steve Sosland and he gives his take on why hiring for our Values is one of the most important things we can do!

Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback. I recommend that each of you immediately begin asking Values-Based interview questions and I know many of you already do this. This tool can help you do this. By the way, the inspiration for this tool came from the book: The Ideal Team Player by Patrick Lencioni. If you have not read it yet, do so. I believe it is his most impactful book.

Thank you!
Tim Fox