Distinguished Staff Awards

Celebrating Excellence
The Distinguished Staff Awards program recognizes and supports the achievements of Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center non-faculty benefits-eligible team members.
View Distinguished Staff Award Recipients:
2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Learn more about the Distinguished Staff Awards:
There are five levels of Distinguished Staff Awards:
- Quality Staff Award
- Quality Supervisor Award
- Quality Team Award
- President's Award of Excellence
- Chancellor's Award of Excellence
More information about each award can be found on the Award Descriptions page.
The Distinguished Staff Awards are made in accordance with each of the following eligibility criteria. The nominee(s) must:
- Be continuously employed as a full- or part-time, benefits-eligible staff member as required by award criteria
- Have completed all required trainings
- Have not received a disciplinary action within the previous twelve months
- Have not been the recipient of the same Distinguished Staff Award in the past five years
Please note: the award nomination may include an individual or team; however, all members of a team must meet eligibility criteria as stated above.
Verification of employment, performance, and training criteria will be completed. The nominations which meet the above-stated eligibility requirements are sent forward to the supervisor and senior leadership for approval.
The nomination should describe how the nominee has demonstrated the values, behaviors, and/or qualities that pertain to the specific award. The members evaluate to what degree the nominee meets the standards of the award criteria.
The key to a well-written nomination is providing the selection committee with information illustrating how the individual or team has demonstrated commitment to the institution and exemplified our Values-Based Culture. Ensure the nominee's contributions match the specific award criteria.
Answer the "what" and "how."
- WHAT did the nominee do?
• Describe instances when the team member portrayed a value
• Tell a story about a remarkable moment of values - HOW did the nominee do it?
• Initiative and/or leadership
• Teamwork
• Creativity and/or innovation
• Behaviors and/or attitudes - WHAT were the results and impacts?
• What did the nominee accomplish using their values?
• Are there specific benefits derived from those efforts?
Additional tips:
- Keep it brief. Write short sentences that are concise and give specific detail.
- Be clear and specific. Be specific about what the nominee did and how that portrays the values of TTUHSC. It is not the quantity of the nomination, it's the quality!
- Say it like it is. Don't worry about using fancy words. Feel free to use bulleted lists when appropriate. Be sure to explain the details in such a way that the selection committee will understand. Spell out and define any unfamiliar acronyms.
- Use concrete examples. Anecdotes or quotations from colleagues or patrons will help strengthen your nomination. The selection committee is relying on your words and examples to "see" your nominee's attributes and values.
- Answer the questions. Address all parts of the question completely to ensure the selection committee has all the information it needs to know about your nominee.
- Communicate sincerity and personal commitment. Show that you personally value the contributions of your nominee and how their portrayal of the TTUHSC values impact you or those around you. Speak from the heart.
- Review your nomination. Verify the accuracy of all information in the nomination.
- Ask questions. If you are unclear about the award criteria, ask for clarification.
Helpful References:
A selection committee uses a weighted scoring method to evaluate the items. The selection committee prepares a list of recommended awardees, which is then submitted to the Chancellor and University President for his or her review and final approval.
Questions or Comments?
Please email HSCDSAwards@ttuhsc.edu