Blood Pressure Challenge | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
TTUHSC students walking through Lubbock campus courtyard.
Blood Pressure Challenge

Blood Pressure Challenge

High blood pressure, if uncontrolled and elevated for a period of time, can damage your heart and cause health threats including heart attack, stroke, heart failure, kidney disease, angina, and more. It is referred to as a "silent killer" because it usually has no warning signs, so many people do not realize they have it. 

There is only one way to tell if you have high blood pressure and that is by measuring it, which is quick and painless. Proper treatment and management of high blood pressure will help in living a long and healthy life. Knowing your numbers, understanding the risks and symptoms, and making healthy lifestyle changes may help in preventing and managing high blood pressure. To learn more about these, click HERE.

How it works

During the month of May, we challenge you to check your blood pressure twice a week.  Record your results via the free app, Smart BP, or by using the BP Tracking Sheet.  You can use your own cuff, or use one of the many bloods pressure cuffs that have been placed around your campus.  (The locations are listed below.)  

Please submit your blood pressure data from the app or paper log to no later than June 7th to receive credit for completing the challenge.  

This challenge does count towards a wellness challenge and/or events needed to earn the 8 hour time off incentive.

*If you have concerns about your blood pressure, please make an appointment with your health care provider.

Please click HERE and take a minute to familiarize yourself with the NEW blood pressure standards.


Smart BP App
Smart BP App

Smart BP is a smarter way to manage your blood pressure and track your progress. This BP management app allows you to record, track, analyze and share your blood pressure information using your Android and iPhone devices.

Smart BP app iTunes

Smart BP app Google Play

Smart BP app YouTube Video


Blood Pressure Machines by Campus 


Got Questions?

We're here to help. Contact us if you have questions.