Amanda Veesart | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Amanda Veesart

Amanda Veesart

Assistant Professor/Traditional Program Director
  • Cultural competency
  • Organizational Leadership
  • Veesart, A., Harrison, L. (September 2018). Leadership Connection, Sigma Theta Tau, "Using Best Practices to Increase Recruitment and Engagement," published in proceedings, Accepted.

  • Veesart, A. (July 2017). Nursing Research Congress, Sigma Theta Tau, Dublin, Ireland, "Influencing Global Health through Cultural Nursing Education Assignments: Results of a Mixed-Methods Study," published in proceedings, Accepted.

  • Veesart, A. T. (September 2016). Leadership Connection, Sigma Theta Tau, Indiana, "Effective Strategies to Promote Generational Cohesion in the Workplace," published in proceedings, Accepted.

  • Veesart, A. T. (March 2016). Delivering Quality and Safety in Health Care, VA North Texas Health Care System, Dallas, Texas, "Cross-Cultural Mentoring: A new approach to improving patient outcomes," Invited.

  • Veesart, A. T., & Johnson, B. K. (2018). Using the Two Minute Assessment with Debriefing to Optimize Traditional Patient Care Clinical Experiences. Nursing Education Perspectives. doi: 10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000437. [Epub ahead of print]

  • Veesart, A. T. (2018). Advice for Millennial Leaders. American Nurse Today, (13)4, 20-22.