Research | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Welcome to the Orthopaedic Research Division


Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Our mission is to advance the field of orthopedic surgery through rigorous research and continuous support for our faculty and residents. We are dedicated to improving patient care by fostering research initiatives contributing to the broader understanding of musculoskeletal health.

We aim to serve as a leading platform for orthopaedic research, focusing on the importance of musculoskeletal studies and advocating for ongoing support in this critical area of medicine.

Explore our research efforts and meet our team, which is committed to making meaningful contributions to the field of orthopaedics.

Clinical Research Team


Co-Director of Orthopaedic Research


Brendan J. MacKay MD

Co-Director of Orthopaedic Research


Cyrus Caroom MD

Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, TTUHSC


Clinical Research Coordinator


Jarrod Martinez PhD


Clinical Researcher 


Evan J. Hernandez



PubMed - Google Scholar - ORCID - ResearchGate

• Member, ISHA Hip Preservation Society (2023-present)
• Member, Global Nerve Foundation (GNF) (2023-present)
• Member, American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH) (2023-present)
• Member, American Association for Hand Surgery (AAHS) (2023-present)
• Member, American Psychological Association (APA) (2023-present)

• Publication Committee, Global Nerve Foundation (2023-present)
• FIDES, World Health Organization (WHO) (2023-present)

Resident & Student Information 


Steps for Doing Research with the Department

Payment for Publication

Once your paper is accepted, you will complete this form with the relevant information so your publication is paid  

Poster & Podium Information  

Please fill out this form when you have a poster/podium presentation

IRB Access

Before you have access to Cayuse, you must complete the following steps:

Go to and click the ‘Register’ button (upper right corner).   Under ‘Select Your Organization Affiliation,’ type in 'Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center.'   Continue setting up your account by following the Registration steps #1-7 below.

Steps 1-6:  Answer the questions regarding ‘Personal Information’.  NOTE: Register with your TTUHSC or TTU email address unless you do not have either (i.e., you are an Outside Collaborator).  NOTE:  If you are interested in CEU credit, answer the questions in Step 5 accordingly.

Step 7:  You must answer these questions correctly as they determine which course(s) you will receive access to.  Please answer as instructed below:

  • Question #1 – Select ‘Biomedical Investigator Course: Research Investigators, Research Personnel, and IRB members’.
  • Question #2 – Answer this question based on whether or not you have previously completed the Biomedical Investigator Course (whether at TTUHSC or another institution).
  • Question #3 – Select ‘Not at this time.’
  • All other questions can be skipped.
  • COVID-19 Question—The very last question on the list must be answered (by CITI). It concerns information about COVID-19 and remote contact tracing. Please note that TTUHSC does not require it.
  • When you are done adding courses, click ‘Complete Registration’.

The ‘Biomedical Investigator Course’ (and any others you have selected) will now show in your CITI account under the ‘My Courses’ tab.  Click on the ‘Start Now’ button for the course.  You must complete each module before moving on to the next one.

TTUHSC requires an overall score of at least 90% to complete the course successfully.  Once you have completed the course, you can access the ‘My Records’ tab in your CITI account to access the completion report/certificate.

Conflict of Interest/Commitment (in Research) Disclosure

TTUHSC policy requires that all research study personnel disclose any actual (or potential) conflict of interest and have a current financial disclosure on file.  This is done by completing the Conflict of Interest and Commitment (COIC) Training and Disclosure module at least annually AND updating within thirty (30) days of significant financial interest changes.  You will need to complete the COIC module if you are:

  • Research PERSONNEL involved in the design, conduct, or reporting of human subject research - both Non-Exempt and Exempt studies
    (this applies to all TTUHSC Faculty/Staff/Residents/students)
  • Research STAFF involved in designing, conducting, or reporting human subject research (i.e., RIO, CRI, etc.)
  • Listed as study personnel on any grant administered through the TTUHSC OSP (including educational and public service grants)
  • Serving as a member of a Review Board (includes both Amarillo and Lubbock)
  • Requesting a Cayuse account for ANY other reason (including course requirements)

Conflict of Interest and Commitment Disclosure System

Once the Steps are Completed

Contact for Cayuse Access:

Jennifer Board, BS

IRB Education Coordinator



Evan Hernandez

EMR Access

To be granted EMR access, you will need to be on an IRB / QIRB approved project. Get with Evan and Jarrod for further direction. 
