TTUHSC Research News
August-October 2019
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Research Awards
Department: GSBS/SOM Immunology & Microbiology
Funding Agency: National Institutes of Allergy & Infectious Disease/NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: 1F31AI145077-01
Title: Role of T cells and the intestinal microbiota in the pathogenesis of acute graft versus host disease.
Duration: 8/5/2019-7/31/2022
Total Amount: $102,092
Department: SOM Microbiology & Immunology
Funding Agency: Department of Defense
Mechanism & Grant Number: W81XWH1910113
Title: Factors that regulate breast tumor immunogenicity and metastasis: Targeting interferon regulatory factor 5 (IRF5)
Duration: 4/15/2019-4/14/2022
Total Amount: $113,960
Department: SOM Pediatrics
Funding Agency: South Plains Foundation
Mechanism & Grant Number:
Title: Levels of vitamin D and infection risk in pediatric patients undergoing chemotherapy
Duration: 9/1/2019-8/31/2020
Total Amount: $13,000
Department: SOM Pediatrics
Funding Agency: National Cancer Institute/NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: R01CA226436-02
Title: AKR1C3 Inhibitors as Chemotherapeutic Potentiators.
Duration: 7/1/2019-12/31/2023
Total Amount: $220,320
PI: Jeffrey Thomas
Department: SOM Cell Biology & Biochemistry
Funding Agency: South Plains Foundation
Mechanism & Grant Number:
Title: C-GAP, a key to the role of the cytoskeleton during epithelial folding.
Duration: 7/15/2019-6/30/2020
Total Amount: $15,000
Department: SOM Cell Biology & Biochemistry
Funding Agency: CPRIT
Mechanism & Grant Number: RP190592
Title: Chemoprevention of acquired therapeutic resistance and disease recurrence in ovarian cancer.
Duration: 8/31/2019-8/30/2021
Total Amount: $200,000
Department: SOM Microbiology & Immunology
Funding Agency: South Plains Foundation
Mechanism & Grant Number:
Title: Development of a combinational recombinant pyocins therapy to treat pseudomonas
Duration: 9/1/2019-8/31/2020
Total Amount: $15,000
Department: SOM Cell Biology & Biochemistry
Funding Agency: South Plains Foundation
Mechanism & Grant Number:
Title: GPR81 as a novel link between Warburg effect and breast cancer
Duration: 9/1/2019-8/31/2020
Total Amount: $15,000
Department: SOP Pharmaceutical Sciences
Funding Agency: National Institutes on Drug Abuse/NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: 1R01DA049737-01
Title: Blood & brain based biomarkers of injury to assess the cerebrovascular impact of emerging alternatives to traditional…
Duration: 8/15/2019-7/31/2022
Total Amount: $1,377,000
Department: SOM Cell Biology & Biochemistry
Funding Agency: National Inst of Gen Med Sci/NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: 1R01GM135167-01
Title: Regulation of Aberrant Protein Production
Duration: 9/16/2019-8/31/2024
Total Amount: $1,224,000
Department: SOM Pediatrics
Funding Agency: Natl Inst Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases/NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: 2U01DK100866-07
Title: CUREGN 2.0 - Midwest Pediatric Nephrology Consortium - PCC
Duration: 8/16/2019-6/30/2024
Total Amount: $100,334
Department: SOP Pharmacy Practice
Funding Agency: Natl Inst Child Health & Human Dev/NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: 1R01HD099756-01
Title: PK/PD optimized cephalosporins based treatment regimens for children with MDR-TB
Duration: 9/1/2019-7/31/2024
Total Amount: $1,871,473
Department: SOP Pharmacy Practice
Funding Agency: Medical Titan Group
Mechanism & Grant Number:
Title: Pharmacogenomics Rules Engine Optimization and Performance Assessments
Duration: 9/1/2019-11/33/2020
Total Amount: $275,000
Department: Public Health
Funding Agency: Natl Inst Heart, Lung & Blood/NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: HHSN268201700003I
Title: Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research
Duration: 9/17/2019-8/31/2021
Total Amount: $265,076
Department: LARC
Funding Agency: CPRIT
Mechanism & Grant Number: RP190524
Title: TTUHSC Cancer Animal Facility
Duration: 8/31/2019-8/30/2024
Total Amount: $3,183,703
Department: SOM Pharm & Neuroscience
Funding Agency: Natl Inst Neurological Disorders & Stroke/NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: 1R01NS109255 (multi-PI with U of Arizona)
Title: Pronociceptive and antinociceptive opioid mechanisms in the central nucleus of the
Duration: 8/15/2019-6/30/2024
Total Amount: $1,232,006
Non-Research Awards
Department: SOM Orthopedic Surgery
Funding Agency: Depuy Synthes
Mechanism & Grant Number: 336485
Title: AO North American advanced trauma course for residents –Albracht/Douthit/AcGraw
Duration: 10/31/2019 – 11/3/2019
Total Amount: $6,000
Department: SOM OB/GYN
Funding Agency: TX Health & Human Svc Commiss
Mechanism & Grant Number: 529-16-0132-00034
Title: SC: Healthy Texas Women’s Program FY20
Duration: 9/1/2019 – 8/31/2021
Total Amount: $501,592
Department: SOM OB/GYN
Funding Agency: TX Health & Human Svc Commiss
Mechanism & Grant Number: HHS000558100020
Title: SC: Title V Maternal and child health fee-for-service program FY20-21
Duration: 9/1/2019 – 8/31/2021
Total Amount: $226,800
Department: SON
Funding Agency: Health Resource and Service Administration
Mechanism & Grant Number: 3H80CS12853-10-03
Title: SC: Integrated behavioral health Services (IBHS) - Supplemental
Duration: 6/1/2009 – 2/28/2022
Total Amount: $167,000
Department: SON
Funding Agency: Health Resource and Service Administration
Mechanism & Grant Number: 6H80CS12853-10-04
Title: SC: FQHC Health Center Program - Supplement
Duration: 3/1/2019 – 2/28/2022
Total Amount: $9,047,945
Department: SOM Pediatrics
Funding Agency: Texas Dept of Family and Protective Services
Mechanism & Grant Number: 530-13-000-00001
Title: SC: Forensic Medical Assessment Network
Duration: 9/1/2019 – 8/31/2024
Total Amount: $1,199,285
Total funding from Federal Government: $ 16,559,846
Total funding from State Government: $ 5,311,380
Total funding from private foundation: $ 339,000
Total funding from non-government agencies: $ 22,210,226
May-July 2019
Click on PI name in the expanded view (+) to see their Biographical Web Page
Research Awards
Department: SOP Pharmaceutical Science
Funding Agency: National Institutes on Drug Abuse/NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: 3R01DA029121-09S1
Title: Investigations into the effects of sex and age on tobacco smoke and e-cigarette toxicity at the blood-brain barrier and stroke outcome-supplemental.
Duration: 5/1/2019-4/30/2020
Total Amount: $227,388
Department: SOM Obstetrics/GYN
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Mechanism & Grant Number: 1935864
Title: NSF I-CORP – Inout capsule
Duration: 6/15/2019-11/30/2019
Total Amount: $50,000
Department: SOM Surgery
Funding Agency: Excelsior Biofilms, LLC
Mechanism & Grant Number:
Title: Incorporation of a biofilm dispersion autoinducer into an antimicrobial ointment for the treatment of topical wounds
Duration: 3/22/2019-7/30/2019
Total Amount: $60,204
Department: SOM Cell Physiology & Mol Biophysics
Funding Agency: National Institutes on General Medicine/NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: 3R01GM097159-07S1
Title: High resolution crystallographic & functional studies of K+ channel function-supplemental.
Duration: 7/1/2019-6/30/2020
Total Amount: $81,987
Department: SOM Pharmacology & Neuroscience
Funding Agency: National Institutes on Drug Abuse/NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: 3R01DA044999-01A1S1
Title: Mechanism of cannabinoid tolerance – 2019 NIDA Summer Research Internship -supplemental.
Duration: 7/15/2019-6/30/2020
Total Amount: $8,882
Department: SOM Internal Medicine
Funding Agency: National Institutes of Aging/NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: 1R56AG060767-01A1
Title: Small molecules as therapeutic targets for Alzheimer’s disease
Duration: 7/15/2019-6/30/2020
Total Amount: $699,245
Department: Internal Medicine
Funding Agency: National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute/NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: R01HL130061
Title: Amelioration of Mitochondrial Dysfunction by Thioredoxin in Hyperoxia
Duration: 4/1/2016-3/31/2020 (transfer)
Total Amount: $479,945
Department: SOM Pediatrics
Funding Agency: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Mechanism & Grant Number: CC054-AF1
Title: Cystic Fibrosis patient registration
Duration: 7/1/2019-6/30/2020
Total Amount: $44,795
Department: SOM Pharmacology & Neuroscience
Funding Agency: National Institute of Alcohol Abuse/NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: R01AA027096
Title: The neurotransmitter model of excessive alcohol consumption: Transition to alcohol use disorder
Duration: 9/10/2018-6/30/2023 (transfer)
Total Amount: $2,295,000
Department: SOM Cell Biology & Biochemistry
Funding Agency: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease/NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: R01DK113377
Title: Role of gut bacteria and renal lipids in obesity-related kidney disease
Duration: 8/1/2017-5/31/2021 (transfer)
Total Amount: $688,500
Department: Cell Biology and Biochemistry
Funding Agency: National Cancer Institute/NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: R01CA219187
Title: Hedgehog/GLIL- Targeted Therapies to Overcome Ovarian Cancer Chemoresistance & Disease Recurrence
Duration: 2/15/2018-1/31/2023 (transfer)
Total Amount: $227,009
Department: SOP Immunotherapeutics
Funding Agency: National Science Foundation
Mechanism & Grant Number: 1936449
Title: I-CORPS MHC Solutions
Duration: 6/15/2019-11/30/2019
Total Amount: $50,000
Non-Research Award
PI: Barbara Ballew
Department: TTUHSC Library
Funding Agency: National Library of Medicine
Mechanism & Grant Number: UG4LM012345
Title: Individualized health information program partner
Duration: 4/1/2012 – 6/30/2022
Total Amount: $81,987
Total funding May-July from Federal Government: $5,176827
Total funding May-July from non-government agencies: $442,704
April 2019
Click on PI name in the expanded view (+) to see their Biographical Web Page
Research Awards
PI: Kumuda Das
Department: SOM Internal Medicine
Funding Agency: National Heart Lung & Blood Institute/NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: 1R01HL144610
Title: Endothelial mechanism in RIPC
Duration: 4/1/2019-3/31/2023
Total Amount: $2,419,540
PI: Kumuda Das
Department: SOM Internal Medicine
Funding Agency: National Heart Lung & Blood Institute/NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: R01HL132953 (Transfer)
Title: Amelioration and reversal of hypertension by thioredoxin
Duration: 6/1/2016-1/31/2020
Total Amount: $463,333
PI: Kendra Rumbaugh
Department: SOM Surgery
Funding Agency: Destiny Pharma
Title: Testing the efficacy of an experimental antimicrobial topical…
Duration: 2/1/2019-2/1/2020
Total Amount: $11,475
PI: C. Patrick Reynolds
Department: SOM Pediatrics
Funding Agency: NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: U10CA180884 (Primary: Children’s Hospital Los Angeles)
Title: Translational pilot studies for solid malignancies.
Duration: 3/1/2018-2/28/2020
Total Amount: $30,000
PI: Barbara Cherry
Department: SON
Funding Agency: The Foundation of the National Student Nurses Association, Inc
Title: Nurses’ perspectives of their impact on boards: A quantitative study.
Duration: 4/30/2019-12/31/2019
Total Amount: $8,916
Public Service Awards
PI: Patti Patterson
Department: SOM Pediatrics
Funding Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration
Mechanism & Grant Number: 6B04MC32573-01-01
Title: Medicares FY19
Duration: 3/1/2019-8/31/2020
Total Amount: $450,165
Total April funding from Federal Government: $3,363,038
Total April funding from other agencies: $20,391
March 2019
Click on PI name in the expanded view (+) to see their Biographical Web Page
Research Awards
PI: John Detoledo
Department: SOM Neurology
Funding Agency: TX Alzheimer Care & Consortium
Mechanism & Grant Number: GMO 191112
Title: Longitudinal continuation of TARCC Hispanic cohort
Duration: 8/22/2018-8/21/2020
Total Amount: $876,000
PI: Manisha Tripathi
Department: SOM Cell Biology & Biochemistry
Funding Agency: Department of Defense
Mechanism & Grant Number: W81XWH-17-1-0353
Title: Reciprocal cross-talk between Notch signaling & Hippo Pathway in the tumor microenvironment
mediates castrate-resistant prostate cancer
Duration: 2/1/2019-11/30/2022 (transfer)
Total Amount: $420,750
Public Service Awards
PI: Billy Philips
Department: Rural and Community Health
Funding Agency: US Department of Justice
Mechanism & Grant Number: 3702501
Title: First responder mental health resiliency – Match..
Duration: 1/1/2019-12/30/2020
Total Amount: $220,054
PI: Rakhshanda Layeequr Rahman
Department: SOM Surgery
Funding Agency: Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas
Title: Access to breast and cervical care for west Texas (ABC24WT)…
Duration: 3/1/2019-2/28/2022
Total Amount: $2,430,998
Total March funding from Federal Government: $640,803
Total March funding from Texas Government: $2,430,998
Total March funding from consortium: $876,000
February 2019
Click on PI name in the expanded view (+) to see their Biographical Web Page
PI: Kendra Rumbaugh
Department: SOM Surgery
Funding Agency: National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Disease, NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: R21 (AI137462)
Title: Utilizing glycoside hydrolases to degrade biofilms in wounds
Duration: 2/14/2019-1/31/2021
Total Amount: $285,612
PI: Fakhrul Ahsan
Department: SOP Pharmaceutical Sciences
Funding Agency: National Heart Lung & Blood Institute, NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: R01 (HL144590)
Title: Recapitulation of sex disparity in PAH on a microfluidic device & elucidation of
the differences & similarities in …
Duration: 2/01/2019-1/31/2023
Total Amount: $1,911,694
PI: Maria Manczak
Department: Garrison Aging Institute
Funding Agency: National Institute on Aging, NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: R21 (AG061674)
Title: Reduced DRP1 and mitophagy in Alzheimer’s disease
Duration: 2/1/2019-11/30/2020
Total Amount: $420,750
PI: Komaraiah Palle
Department: SOM Cell Biology & Biochemistry
Funding Agency: National Cancer Institute, NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: R01 (CA219187)
Title: Hedgehog/GLIL-targeted therapies to overcome ovarian cancer chemoresistance & disease
Duration: 2/1/2018-1/31/2023 (transfer)
Total Amount: $1,389,451
PI: Arubala Reddy
Department: SOM Pharmacology & Neurosciences
Funding Agency: Garrison Family Foundation
Title: Development of gender-based biomarkers & molecular mechanisms in Alzheimer’s disease:
Focus on women’s …
Duration: 1/1/2019-12/31/2019
Total Amount: $100,000
Total February funding from NIH: $4,007,507
Total February funding from Foundations: $100,000
December 2018 - January 2019
Click on PI name in the expanded view (+) to see their Biographical Web Page
PI: Sanjay Srivastava (Overall PI: Hiranmoy Das, HNB Therapeutics, LLC)
Department: SOP Biomedical Sciences
Funding Agency: National Institute on Aging, NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: R41 (AG057242)
Title: Nanofiber-expanded CD34+stem cells for osteoporosis therapy
Duration: 1/01/2019-12/31/2019
Total Amount: $92,761
PI: Yangzom Bhutia
Department: SOM Cell Biology & Biochemistry
Funding Agency: National Cancer Institute, NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: R03 (CA223271)
Title: Carbidopa as an inhibitor of the TRPT/ID01 functional complex: A novel immunotherapy
Duration: 1/01/2019-12/31/2020
Total Amount: $153,000
PI: Paul Charles Trippier
Department: SOP Pharmaceutical Sciences
Funding Agency: National Cancer Institute, NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: R01 (CA226436)
Title: AKR1C3 inhibitors as chemotherapeutic potentiators
Duration: 1/01/2019-12/31/2023
Total Amount: $1,876,974
PI: Min H. Kang (contact PI); C. Patrick Reynolds (multi-PI)
Department: SOM Pediatrics
Funding Agency: NCI, NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: R01 (CA232591)
Title: MYC activation in tumor progression of neuroblastoma
Duration: 1/01/2019-12/31/2023
Total Amount: $1,890,722
PI: Madhusudhanan Narasimhan
Department: SOM Pharmacology & Neurosciences
Funding Agency: CH Foundation
Title: The role of EAAC1 in autism: Is n-acetyl cysteine dendrimer a possible intervention?
Duration: 1/1/2019-12/31/2019
Total Amount: $62,500
PI: Sue Ann Lee
Department: SOHP Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Funding Agency: CH Foundation
Title: The Effectiveness of Telepractice to Teach Grammatical Morphology for Children with
Language Impairment
Duration: 1/1/2019-12/31/2019
Total Amount: $27,000
PI: C. Patrick Reynolds
Department: SOM Pediatrics
Funding Agency: Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation
Title: ALSF Million Miles Research Grant
Duration: 12/14/2018-12/16/2019
Total Amount: $19,875
PI: Afzal Siddiqui (Overall PI: Sean A Gray, PAI Life Sciences, Inc.)
Department: SOM Internal Medicine
Funding Agency: National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Disease, NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: R43 (AI142908)
Title: Production and validation of Sj-p80 as a veterinary Schistosomiasis vaccine
Duration: 11/20/2018-10/30/2019
Total Amount: $73,552
PI: Ali Keshavarz
Department: SOP Pharmaceutical Sciences
Funding Agency: International Foundation for Ethical Research
Title: A micropattern-engraved 2-compartment tissue-chip as a non-animal model for studying
right ventricular hypertrophy
Duration: 10/11/2018-10/10/2019
Total Amount: $12,500
PI: Maria Manczak (Overall PI: Hemachandra Reddy, Synaptex, LLC)
Department: Garrison Aging Institute
Funding Agency: National Institute on Aging, NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: R41 (AG060836)
Title: Small molecular inhibitor therapeutic target for Alzheimer’s disease
Duration: 9/30/2018-8/31/2019
Total Amount: $138,246
PI: Rahul Dev Jayant
Department: SOP Pharmaceutical Sciences
Funding Agency: National Heart Lung & Blood Institute, NIH
Mechanism & Grant Number: R03 (DA044877)
Title: Intranasal nanodelivery of oxytocin to treat morphine addiction in HIV patients by
gene editing
Duration: 7/1/2017-6/30/2019 (transferred 1/7/2019)
Total Amount: $153,000