
Internal Grant Opportunities:
Cover Page |
Policy |
Post-Award Requirements |
The SOP Office of Sciences is pleased to announce Request for Proposals (RFP) to provide funding for seed grants for basic science faculty. A total of $20,000 is available to support up to 2 applications. Matching funds from the successful applicant’s department are required. Award funding will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Eligibility for this RFP is limited to faculty in the Pharmaceutical Sciences and Immunotherapeutics and Biotechnology Departments.
This funding mechanism may be used to purchase equipment or to cover the cost of general research. In either case a maximum of $20,000 is available per award (up to $10,000 from Office of Sciences and up to $10,000 from matching funds from applicant’s department). A faculty member may only submit one application to this RFA.
Proposal Submission Timeline:
- Submit proposal to: Dr. Ulrich Bickel and
- Deadline: 5:00 pm CST, July 31, 2024
Award funding will be made available September 1, 2023 for a period of one year (in the case of seed grants). A final progress report for seed grants will be required to be sent to by August 31, 2025. Failure to submit a progress report after the completion of the grant will disqualify the applicant from future seed grant consideration. The awardee is expected to acknowledge the seed funding in his/her publication arising from the funded project.
Proposal Type:
- Equipment-Only Grants: If the applicant is requesting to purchase only equipment please complete the TTUHSC SOP Equipment Grant application available on the Office of Sciences website and follow all instructions therein.
- Seed Grants: If the applicant is requesting general research supplies/budget items and no single piece of equipment will cost >$3,000 please follow the instructions below.
Proposal Submission Guidelines:
Proposals should be not be more than 11 pages excluding references (0.5 inch margins)
in 11-point type and each proposal should include the following:
- Cover Page
- Abstract (300 word maximum)
- Specific Aims (1 page)
- Research Plan (up to 5 page maximum, excluding references)
- Impact
- Significance
- Innovation
- Approach
- References (no more than 40 references)
- Budget (See Seed Grant policy for ineligible expenses)
- Budget Justification
- PI Biographical Sketch - NIH Biosketch and other support (up to 5 pages)
- Other Support
- Copy of the extramural grant evaluation and PI's response to grant critique if applicable.
Proposal Evaluation:
Proposals will be evaluated by the Research Advisory Committee with respect to:
- Significance
- Innovation
- Approach
- Overall Impact
Refer to SOP OP.73.P.04 for defined criteria.
Award preference will be given to the collaborative project of faculty with no current research support, and solid evidence of using this seed funding to secure extramural funding.
Cover Page |
Policy |
Post-Award Requirements |
The SOP Office of Sciences is pleased to provide funding for pharmacy practice faculty seed grants and issues the following Request for Proposals (RFP). A total of $5,000 is available to support up to 2 applications. Award funding will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Eligibility for this RFP is limited to faculty in the Pharmacy Practice Department.
Proposal Submission Timeline:
- Submit Proposal to: Dr. Ron Hall and
- Deadline: 5:00 pm CST, September 1, 2024
Award funding will be made available October 2024. A final progress report will be required to be sent to by August 31, 2025.
Proposal Submission Guidelines:
Proposals should not be greater than a total of eight (8) double-spaced pages in 12-point type and each proposal should include the following:
- Cover Page
- Hypothesis
- Literature Summary
- Specific Aims
- Methods
- Analysis
- Study Timeline
- Budget & Budget Justification (See Seed Grant policy for ineligible expenses)
- Dissemination of Results
- References
Proposal Evaluation:
Proposals will be evaluated by Research Advisory Committee with respect to:
- Significance
- Innovation
- Approach
- Overall Impact
Refer to SOP OP.73.P.04 for defined criteria.
Award preference will be given to faculty with no current research support, studies with potential for significant impact on pharmaceutical care, and proposals containing a plan to use study findings in pursuit of future research interests.
The SOP Office of Sciences is pleased to announce a Request for Proposals (RFP) to provide seed money to fund novel research unique to women’s health that highlights critical issues for women or focuses on the vital differences in etiology, symptomatology and treatment of medical conditions that lead to more personalized medical care.
Note: Only proposals in either women’s health or sex and gender medicine will be considered. The proposals with the top scores will be recommended to the Laura Bush Institute for further evaluation and possible funding
Proposal Submission:
- Submit Proposal to: Dr. Ulrich Bickel and
Award funding will be made available for one year. A final progress report for seed grants will be required. Failure to submit a progress report after the completion of the grant will disqualify the applicant from future seed grant consideration. The awardee is expected to acknowledge the seed funding in his/her publication arising from the funded project.
- July 31, 2024 by 5:00 pm
Proposal Submission Guidelines:
Proposals should not be more than 11 pages excluding references (0.5 inch margins)
in 11-point type and each proposal should include the following:
Project Summary
Specific Aims (one page limit)
Research Strategy (six-page limit)
Budget & Budget Justification (two-page limit). No salary or travel expenses are allowed.
Statement of how the PI plans to use data produced by this seed grant. Identify specific
extramural research RFAs that will be applied for and/or a timeline for submission
(one-page limit)
Type of Funding:
Seed Grant—Multi-campus and/or Interdisciplinary up to $25,000
Small Grant—(patient‐oriented research, as well as epidemiological, behavioral or
health services studies; pilot data, educational program development or survey studies)
Proposal Evaluation:
Proposals will be evaluated by the Office of the Associate Dean for Sciences in collaboration
with the School of Pharmacy’s Research Advisory Committee with respect to:
(1) Investigator(s) & Resources,
(2) Innovation & Significance
(3) Research Strategy
(4) Budget.
Requirements |
Texas Tech School of Pharmacy, Office of Sciences is pleased to provide funding for one Pharmacy Practice faculty member to attend one of the following courses. If interested please contact Dr. Sara Brouse. and
A.) Mentored Research Investigator Training (MeRIT) Program
The MeRIT Program connects an accomplished ACCP research mentor with a mentee and local advisor. This individualized, longitudinal 2-year program combines face-to-face and virtual guidance and training to developing investigators. Participants are mentored through research design, data collection, results presentation, and manuscript preparation.
Who Should Apply: Ideal candidates are pharmacy faculty or practitioners with limited research experience who are committed to incorporating research into their professional careers, interested in generating research themes or obtaining preliminary data for larger funding opportunities, aspiring to be active principal or co-investigators within a research team, and able to commit at least 10% effort to research
B.) Focused Investigator Training (FIT) Program:
The FIT Program is an intensive 5-day hands-on program for a limited number of experienced pharmacist investigators looking to maximize their chances of success in the current research funding environment. The Research Institute’s FIT Program focuses on Career Development Awards (K Series) and Research Grants (R Series), or similar investigator-initiated applications for submission to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or other major funding source. Click below to visit the RI website to learn more.
Who Should Apply: Ideal candidates are mid-career, fellowship-trained, tenure track or research-focused
pharmacist faculty
members. Others interested are encouraged to call the RI to discuss the program and
C.) Research and Scholarship Certificate Program:
The ACCP Academy Research and Scholarship Certificate Program is an educational program aimed at developing basic clinical research and scholarly abilities. This program is an extension of the previous “Research Training Curriculum” developed by ACCP in the late 1990s. The primary target audience for this program is clinical pharmacists who practice in a setting where research and scholarly activity are expectations of their position. Click below to learn more about this program.
- Prerequisite Module: Research Primer (4 hours) Delivered at the ACCP Annual Meeting
- Module No. 1: Research Basics (4 hours) Delivered at the ACCP Annual Meeting
- Module No. 2: Statistical Issues (4 hours) Delivered at ACCP’s Updates in Therapeutics
- Module No. 3: Extending Your Research Tool Kit (4 hours) Delivered at ACCP’s Updates in Therapeutics
- Module No. 4: Regulatory and Ethical Issues (4 hours) Delivered at ACCP’s Updates in Therapeutics
A total of 24.0 hours are required to complete the program. For complete information on each module’s learning objectives, pre-assignments, portfolio activities and mentoring requirements, consult the Research and Scholarship Certificate Program syllabus. The ACCP Academy requires all enrollees to complete the program within two years of attending the program’s prerequisite module, the Research Primer.
Application Deadlines for:
MeRIT Program and FIT Program:
February 28, 2024 - Letter of Intent to Attend Due (Instructions in Application)
March 31, 2024 - Application to Attend Due
Research and Scholarship Certificate Program:
Contact Dr. Sara Brouse for more information on deadline
Requirements |
Texas Tech School of Pharmacy is pleased to provide funding for Post-Doctoral Research Associates for training and conference travel grants, and issues the following Request for Proposals (RFP). A total of $3,000.00 is available to support up to two (2) applicants. Award funding will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Must be a Post Doctoral Research Associate employed by the TTUHSC School of Pharmacy. Preference will be given to Post Doctoral Research associates who do not have access travel funds. (Funding will be available to one Post Doc per lab meeting the eligibility requirements).
Submit to:
Dr. Ulrich Bickel and to
Report Requirement:
A report which includes a statement on how the conference or training was beneficial to the applicant’s research goals is required within one (1) month after travel.
Date Requirements:
Training or Conference Travel must be completed on or before August 15, 2022.
Cost Considerations:
a) For Conference - at a cost not to exceed $1,500, including registration cost,
b) For Training - cost will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
If travel cost has already been awarded by the conference/training or by any other award mechanism, then applicant cannot request same amount from this RFP.
Proposal Submission Guidelines:
Proposals should not be longer than a total of three (3) double-spaced pages in 12-point type. Each proposal should include the following:
- Abstract
- If workshop of training - What special technique or process will be offered, and how will it be useful to other investigators at SOP?
- Detailed budget showing cost for registration, travel, boarding/lodging.
- State amount of any travel award provided to applicant by the conference or society
- State how attendance will advance applicant’s research and career path
- Letter of support from mentor
Proposal Evaluation:
Proposals will be evaluated by the Office of Associate Dean for Sciences in collaboration with the Research Advisory Committee with respect to the following parameters:
- If applicant is the presenting author for a poster or podium presentation
- How the training or conference will benefit the applicant
- Cost for registration and travel
- If the applicant has received any other award to attend the conference/ training
- Significance of the conference or training
- Budget availability.
Award preference will be given to applicants who are the presenting author for a poster or will be a podium presenter, or for proposals containing a plan to use the training or conference exposure in pursuit of future research interests.
Cover Page |
Policy |
Requirements |
The School of Pharmacy recognizes the importance of providing ongoing support to extramurally funded established faculty researchers, even during periods when their extramural funding has been depleted. Unexpected delays that occur during the process of reapplying for continued funding could potentially compromise ongoing faculty research programs. Principal Investigators (PIs) understand that extramural funding is essential to sustaining vital research programs; however, the School of Pharmacy deems it important to provide bridge finding, in certain circumstances, to those PIs who are eligible.
Eligibility Criteria:
The following eligibility criteria shall be met by all PIs applying for bridge funding:
- At the time of application, the PI must be a full-time faculty member of the School of Pharmacy, with continuing appointment.
- Only PIs who have had extramural funding in the past and contributed to the indirect cost return to the School of Pharmacy may apply.
- The PI must have filed a grant renewal or applied for alternative funding for his/her ongoing extramurally-sponsored research project; however he/she will not yet have been assured of continued funding.
- PIs should not have received bridge funding in the preceding two years.
- The upper limit of bridge funding for an individual award will be $50,000, based on the merits of the PI’s previous accomplishments and proposal for these funds, unless there are exceptional circumstances, in which case the maximum budget can reach up to $120,000 in direct costs. Each budget item should be justified as necessary to maintain essential laboratory functions pending funding agency decisions.
Application Procedure:
The PI should submit to the Office of the Associate Dean for Sciences an electronic (e.g., PDF) copy of the completed bridge fund application, including the detailed budget form and each of the materials below:
- Front pages of the grant application, including the specific aims page.
- A narrative explaining what portion of the larger research project will be carried out with an interim bridge award (does not need to describe research in detail, because the program does not evaluate the quality of research; limit to 1 page).
- Other pages detailing the budget, other support, resources, abstract, local and external collaborative agreements.
- Copy of the extramural grant evaluation (the granting agency's review) and PI's response to grant critique. The material should include the grant score and percentile, if available and documentation from the funding agency to indicate how close the grant was to funding (e.g., payline).
- Biographical sketch of the Principal Investigator.
- A description by the PI of how the research program has been affected as a consequence of losing extramural funding.
- Termination date of the current grant.
- An outline of the PI's plans for resubmission, which should include anticipated schedule for reapplication and responses to major criticisms of grant (maximum 3 pages).
- Evidence showing that the PI has made substantial efforts to reestablish extramural funding (i.e. the PI has applied for funds, and the request has been denied).
- A signed statement from the PI that the bridge funds will be relinquished as soon as additional funding is secured.
Application Review Criteria:
The following criteria will be used to evaluate the bridge funding application:
- The strength of the proposal, based on granting agency's review criteria and the recommendation of the Research Advisory Committee. To qualify for funding, the PI should have a grant application which scored in the better 50 percent of applications, as documented from the funding agency. How long the PI has received funding for his/her previous grant (priority will be given for 4 or more years of funding).
- How many extramural grants the PI has received in the past (funding history).
- The number of peer-reviewed publications relevant to the current proposal under consideration.
- The PI's demonstration of his/her significant efforts to reestablish funding, and the likelihood that funding will be granted again at the resubmission.
- Whether the PI has already reapplied for extramural funding to support the project and has already addressed the concerns raised by the agency that denied funding.
- Whether experienced project personnel will be lost without this bridge funding.
Funding will be granted for a maximum of 12 months or until the PI reestablishes extramural grant support, whichever comes first. In exceptional cases, a no cost extension may be considered on an individual basis with proper justification.
- PIs must have expended most of the research funds at their disposal before the activation of bridge funding. Total available residual funds should be less than $30,000
- The Department Chair must document that the PI has no other available funds from any sources.
- Money granted under the bridge program will be set up within the Office of Sciences bridge fund account and administered through the SOP Office of Sciences.
- Any questions and budget modifications should be addressed to the School of Pharmacy Office of Sciences.
- If extramural finding is received during the period of bridge funding directly related to the bridge funding, all further expenditures are suspended and the bridge funds must be relinquished immediately.
External Grant Opportunities:
All SOP researchers must first receive approval prior to submitting all requests for outside funding to any external entity. For funding opportunities and grant application review process go to the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP).
Data Analysis and Training Links:
Internal Grant Awardees:
Pharmacy Practice
- Dr. Ashley Selby
- Dr. Christopher Selby
- Dr. Rachel Basinger
Basic Sciences Awardees
- Dr. Al-Ahmad
- Dr. Vasylyeva & Dr. Das
- Dr. Wood
Basic Sciences Awardees: |
Pharmacy Practice Awardees: |
Dr. Rahul Jayant |
Dr. Steven Pass |
Other Funding |
Seed Grant Program |
Post-Doctoral Travel Awardee: Bridge Fund Awardee: Equipment Grant Awardees: |
Basic Sciences Awardees: Pharmacy Practice Awardees: Women's Health Awardees: |
Other Funding |
Seed Grant Program |
Post-Doctoral Travel Awardee: Bridge Fund Awardee: |
Basic Sciences Awardees: Pharmacy Practice Awardees: Women's Health Awardees: |